sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011


“The World Instantly”

The cell phone Samsung 1085 is one of the most simple and efficient cell phones in the market, because it’s easy to operate, it has a wide open range and it’s cheaper than others, that’s why many people can buy it with enough money.

  • Do you know Samsung 1085 design?

To begin, the Samsung 1085 it’s easy to handle, because it has an ergonomic design that bring you the facilities to carry it from your hands to your pocket. It has a display of 1.43’’ that allows you to view the menu and text messages.

The Samsung 1085 measures are 10.7 cm high and 4.5 cm width. This cell phone has a candy bar design.

  •  Enjoy his characteristics

This cell phone has a weight of 63 Grams; it counts with an integrated antenna and has a color display. The Samsung 1085 has Fm radio and it has hands-free in case when you are driving and you need to call.

  •  It has an efficient performance

The Samsung 1085 has a life battery of 200 hours. This cell phone counts with GSM (Global System Mobile), and it can be used in saving mode.

  • Music and gamming
This cell phone has one game called Super Jewel Quest which will offer a lot of fun. the Samsung 1085 has radio.

Long years ago people used to communicate through letters that usually took much time to be received, and when it arrives it was too late. 

Due to this problem, many people started working to solve the problem, but was Graham Bell who registered in 1876 the patent of the telephone. 

Actually, technology has been advancing since Bell’s patent to the point that his “invention” nowadays is one of the most used technologies in the world.

  • The Good: Cell phones are indispensable for the communication between people around the world, since children to old men, everybody has a cell phone. The benefits of the Samsung 1085 are that is really cheap and comfortable; has a function to make fake calls, also it alerts when a call is finished or it has connected to another cell phone.

  • The Bad: Nowadays cell phones have changed the way people communicate, today people count with the instant messages in their cell phones, this kind of communication is addictive and interrupt not only familiar meetings but also with friends. In the Samsung 1085 the bad stuff it’s that this cell phone doesn’t have camera, it doesn´t have Mp3.

  • The Bottom Line: Cell phones are very important because it allow people communicate wherever they are, either by text messages or by telephone calls, not only people can communicate with their relatives, but also they can communicate with other people like their bosses or for business issues.

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