domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011


“A vehicle for life”

An electric bike is a type of electric vehicle that is composed of a bicycle with an electric engine that attempts to the move it. The power is supplied by a battery that is recharged from electricity.

Ø  Discover the Design

Basically an electric bike is composed of:

  • Part "cycle", that is, the normal bicycle.
  • Battery, where the energy is stored.
  • Controller: "brain" of the system, sends power to the motor.
  • Electric motor.
  • Pedal sensor and power regulator.

Batteries are made ​​of lead, Ni-Mh, Lithium, Lithium-ion, Lithium-Polymer (LiPo) the last two are the most used.Final del formulario

Ø  Do you know it’s Performance?

The electric engine of the bicycle converts energy electric in movement. Almost all engines are sold with a “nominal" force of 180 watt. If the driver allows it, the electric bicycle can use a lot of energy in order to get him to the cliff of hills, or some other difficult lands.

Ø  Which are their Characteristics?

It has the same characteristics of a normal bicycle but this has an electric engine that helps people to go faster and avoids them to get tired.

Ø  The good

The electric bike has all the advantages of a conventional bicycle; it does not pollute, is environmentally friendly, quiet, and avoids parking problems.

Ø  The bad

The battery life is at least of four hours, which is why people need to constantly recharge the battery.

Ø  The bottom line

The electric bike is a solution for many people that doesn’t have car and require moving long distances, also they are environmental machines.


Ambient technologies”

hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is one of the most new types of hybrid vehicles with electric vehicles that combines a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) with an electric propulsion system. The presence of the electric power train is intended to achieve either better fuel economy than a convetional vehicle, or better performance.

Ø  Design

HEVs use added energy provided by the hybrid systems that gives vehicles a better power boost compared to the traditional vehicle. The exchange between added performance and the improvement of the fuel efficiency is controlled by the software inside the hybrid system.

Ø  Characteristics

The HEVs can use many types of fuel sources, like the fossil fuels, these kinds of fuels are the most used by the HEVs, either gasoline or hydrogen can be used for HEVs.

Other characteristic of the HEVs is that they can use an ICE run by biofuels pulsed by ethanol or biodiesel.

HEVs also can be pulsed by electric sources, this type of energy source acts between the actions of two inverters that generates energy thanks to the neodymium.

Ø  Gamming and video

The HEVs traditionally comes without games or LCD, but this depends of the costumer, and the earnings he has. But the excess of the use of this type of appliances can reduce the efficiency of the HEVs.

Ø  The good

The HEVs is environmental machine because it use less combustible,    reduces the CO2 emissions and is quieter than a normal thermal engine.

The HVEs has a better performance in short distances like in the downtowns because it has immediate response.

Ø  The bad

The HEVs is more expensive than the traditional vehicle also because of its complexity is more difficult for the mechanics to repair or even to check it.

The HEVs also are weightier than their tradition designs and this type of vehicles need a specified kind of materials that are limited.

Ø  The bottom line

These types of vehicles are a different option to take care of the environment because the function of these vehicles is healthier for people.

Even though these vehicles are as not accessible as the traditional ones, these are a great solution for the global warming and the environmental disasters people might suffer in the future.  

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

A new rocket for space travel and bring man to mars

« Science and Technology beyond our planet »

NASA is an acronym in English for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States, which is the government agency responsible for space programs.

The agency has announced the creation of a new rocket for its missions and for those who still lament the end of the space shuttle program, there is a new reason to be happy: it's called SLS.

SLS  means : «  space launch system », which is a project that  involve the construction of a rocket, which will be the most powerful ever built and was announced by NASA.

Design: The rocket will have a capsule for astronauts called the Orion, which is being developed to travel beyond low orbit of the International Space Station (ISS).
The rocket will be vehicle flexible and adaptable to different types of missions and will use existing technologies.

Others characteristics:

§  Ability to propel the space weights of 70 to 100 tons.
§  Use of liquid hydrogen and  liquid oxide as  combustible.
§  Motors RS-25D/E
§  Development of the Orion capsule.


At the beginning the SLS will have three motors but it perhaps become to five .This rocket will fly once or twice a year too can carry 70 metric tons, but can be expanded to 130 metric tons when you add more motors.

 The first version will have 10% more power than the Saturn V rocket and eventually the second version will have 20% more power than the first.

The Bad:

His first flight probably will be made without crew, and at the end of 2017.the project has a cost of USD 18.000 billion for the next six years, it is expensive and need a great investment.

The Good: In theory, the SLS can lead astronauts to unprecedented distances and there are plans to reach an asteroid, and eventually Mars.

This launch system will create jobs for citizens with good pay, ensure the continuity of US leadership in space, and will inspire millions around the world.

The bottom line :

Each of us has dreamed about traveling to the moon and Mars, and while sometimes that dream seems impossible today NASA gives hope to the world that can be realized. The SLS project is a great innovation in science and technology, also will create jobs and will strengthen  the leadership of US in space level.